Mailbox Command Cryptsheet. (last update 5/22/94 --------------------------- for JNOS 1.10 ) All commands listed refer to the JNOS / NOS.EXE program as distributed by Johan. K. Reinalda, WG7J/PA3DIS. This describes JNOS v1.10 For a full description of a command, use the 'HELP' command. To get the version of the system you're using, type the 'I' command. NOTE: not all commands might be available in each system. This depends on the options compiled into the program, as well as on the options the sysop makes available to users. Hitting a return causes the next message (if any) to be read ? Give short list of all commands A Give list of message areas without descriptions AF Give the areas list with descriptions (if set) AN Show the areas that have new mail since you last logged off A name Change to area 'name' ALI Shows command 'aliases' as set by the sysop. These are short ways of typing long commands. B Bye (ie. disconnect) C node Netrom connection, if permitted and available C port call AX.25 connection, if permitted CA Connect to callbook server (if available) CONV [chan] Convers bridge (like Dx-CLUSTER), if available Default is channel 0, or [chan] (if given). D filename Download textfile 'filename' DU Download a uuencoded file (for binary files) DX Download with xmodem (for tip connects) E Show the escape character E char Set the escape character to 'char' (one character!) F Finger users on this system or remote tcp systems 'F conf' will show conference bridge users. 'F iheard' will show the ip-heard list . For local users, this will now show when the user was last logged in to the system. Eg 'F wg7j' For remote tcp systems 'F @host' shows all users on 'host' or 'F user@host' shows 'user' on system 'host' H Help H x Get help on command x I Info on system . Shows a message set by the sysop IH IHeard, shows recently heard tcp/ip stations. IP IProute, shows the tcp/ip routes the system maintains J Just heard, on all ports J port Just heard on 'port' K n n Kill message # n (one or more numbers or ranges is accepted) KM Kill Mine, kills all read messages KU Un-kills messages previously marked to be killed L List new messages LA List ALL messages in current area LB List messages with message type B (bulletins) LM List mine, lists new messages LL n List last n messages LT List message with message type T (traffic) LS xyz List messages with string 'xyz' in subject L> xyz List only messages with string 'xyz' in the To: field L< xyz List only messages with string 'xyz' in the From: field M Shows current mailbox users MC name Copy the current message to area/path 'name' (remote SYSOP only) MC x [y,z] name Copy messages x,y and z in current area to area/path 'name' ML Shows all past users since system startup ML n Shows the n past users since startup ML call Shows when 'call' logged on last MM name Move the current message to area/path 'name' (remote SYSOP only) MM x [y,z] name Move messages x,y and z in current area to area/path 'name' MS Show message and system status N Alphabetical listing of known netrom nodes (if available) NR Shows all netrom neighbour nodes N nodename/call Shows information about the route to the node N * Shows infomation about all nodes (Long!) O Chat with operator (if system is attended) P Give a list of the ax.25 ports of the system (and description, if set by sysop) PI host Ping a tcp/ip host (ie. check if it is 'alive'). This shows the round-trip-time to the system. R n Read message n (a list of numbers or ranges is accepted) RH n Read with headers (same as V command) RM Read Mine, reads all unread messages REG Register as a user on this bbs S Send message (defaults to private) SB Send bulletin (be carefull!) SC Send with Carbon Copy to others SF Forward current message to someone else SF n Forward message number n to someone else SP Send private message ST Send traffic message SR Send a reply to the current message SR n Send a reply to message number n T host [port] Telnet to 'host' (if permitted) (the optional port specifies a tcp port if other then the telnet port) U file Upload a textfile UX file Upload a textfile with xmodem (for Tip users) V n Verbose read of message n (a list or range is accepted) VM Verbose read of all unread messages W What files are in the current directory W path Listing of the directory 'path'. Wildcards ie.*, are accepted X Toggle Expert status XA Toggle current area-indication in prompt XM Show number of lines before more-prompt XM n Set more-prompt to n lines XN Toggle the 'Netrom look-alike' prompt on/off XR Show if a 'reply-to: your-email-address' is added when sending mail. You need to have set an email address with 'REG' XR on|off Sets the 'reply-to' state to on or off Z file Zap (delete) a file (if permitted)